A Canadian media company took 3 years to develop a screwdriver instead of slapping their logo on one. So Did it turn out to be a useful build tool or a glorified fidget spinner? Regarding the backforce, it's more a minor annoyance than an actual issue. I used to handle aircraft engine parts, and the reverse driving of a screw never popped up until computer building. That was years ago, so if it did happen, I didn't notice it enough to remember. for the driver slotting, Most of the previous drivers I used were non magnetized, and the issue could be skill related. UPDATE regarding LTT Screwdrivers Sold at Pop-Up Shop, Links and TLDR below: Thanks to @mgafMUAT for letting me know. https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/x12nvd/update_ltt_screwdrivers_sold_august_27_popup_shop/ https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/1564395066114084869 TLDR: UPDATE: LTT Screwdrivers Sold @ August 27 Pop-Up Shop LTT performed tests and found that the bit holders can shift on their support spine under stressful conditions. This only affects pop up shop models. LTT will be replacing all affected drivers.